About me
I completed my PhD at the University of Alberta in 2018 under the direction of Dr. Kurt Konhauser. My research was focused on how we can use banded iron formations and other chemical sediments to learn about the evolution of seawater chemistry. Currently, I am an Associate Professor at the University of Regina. Outside of academics I am an avid skier, mountain biker, and triathlete.
EDucation And experience
University of Regina
Department of Earth Sciences
Department Head (July 2023 - present)
Associate Professor (July 2024 - present)
Assistnat Professor (July 2020 -June 2024)
Yale University
Department of Geology & Geophysics
Donnelley Environmental Postdoctoral Associate
Supervisor: Dr. Noah Planavsky
University of Alberta
PhD in Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
Supervisors: Dr. Kurt Konhauser, Dr. Daniel Alessi
University of Alberta
MSc in Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
Supervisor: Dr. Kurt Konhauser
University of Alberta
BSc with Specialization in Environmental Earth Science
*Full CV available upon request
ReSearch Interests
Banded Iron Formations - dominantly Archean to Paleoproterozoic chemical sediments that can be utilized to understand the evolution of seawater chemistry in deep time.
Evolution of Life - how is the evolution of eukaryotes and complex animal life linked to changes in marine chemistry?
Particle Surface Reactivity - how do the surface properties of common geological and biological materials - minerals, cells- control the adsorption, cycling, and removal of trace metals from aqueous environments?
Rare Earth Elements - can new sources of rare earth elements be developed to provide a more sustainable source and reduce the impacts of mining? Which secondary sources make good targets and what are the geological controls that affect rare earth element concentrations and distributions?